Née et éduquée en France, Nicole Morgan détient une maîtrise de philosophie (Dijon) et de sociologie et anthropologie (Aix-en-Provence). En 1993, elle a obtenu un doctorat de philosophie (Université d’Ottawa). Sa thèse sur la naissance de l’État moderne via l’Utopie de Thomas More, a été publiée à Paris en 1996 (Le sixième continent. Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin.) Queen’s National Scholar, elle a enseigné à l’Université Queen’s entre 1991 et 1994. En 1994 elle fut nommée Experte en Résidence à la Centrale d'Hypothèque et de Logement (Ottawa).

Au terme de son mandat, elle publia trois scénarios sur l'avenir urbain du Canada : Le Familier, l'Oublié et l’Impensable. Elle fut ensuite professeur invitée au Centre de Médecine d'Éthique et de droit (Université McGill) avant de rejoindre en 2001, le Collège militaire royal du Canada (Kingston). Alors professeur titulaire elle fut nommée chercheure associée à Saint-Cyr dans le cadre du programme RWP (Radicalization Watch Project) mené en partenariat entre Saint-Cyr, RMC et le Center for Advanced Defenses Studies à Washington.Ces quinze dernières années ont été consacrées à la philosophie politique et l'analyse des idéologies modernes. En 2007, elle publia au Seuil, en collaboration avec Mathieu Guidère : Le Manuel de Recrutement d’Al Qaida.

Toujours au Seuil, elle publia en 2012 un analyse de la montée de l'extrême droite américaine, intitulée : Haine Froide. Ceci ne représente qu'une partie d'une série d'articles, livres et conférences qui ont tous et toutes porté sur le corps de l’humanité, le corps de l'état, le corps social, et le corps de l'individu. Et c'est ainsi que son prochain livre portera sur le corps humain tel qu'il évolue en symbiose dans l’espace-temps depuis l'époque glaciaire . La peur au ventre.

2024: A Christmas carol updated - Scrooge on steroids: going back to Social Darwinism

Revisiting and updating a Christmas Carol story from Charles Dickens. The author, Nicole Morgan, provide an insight personal story about the current silly and strange times we are experiencing. We celebrate Christmas every year, we do this year too. However, never as this year, we are all called to pay attention to what is happening around us: climate change, wars, poverty, scarcity, technology effects, geopolitical changes, lack of Politic and weakness of the elites, disappearance of ethics, lack of awareness about World crisis, brutalization of language and much more. Are we living at the end of times toward the end of the world? “The hell no!”. There are other magic tales far more grandiose which will take us in a greater cosmology. All can contribute right now to build these tales!

The Contraction of Time

In the absence of open spaces and open times, a frustrated humanity has turned to a frantic internal growth which could be compared to a cancer: it has a structure but no order, no other goal but growth for its own sake; it does not negotiate its survival with its host and eventually kills it. But a trend is not a destiny, for the collective genius of humanity so far has been always to escape from deterministic models.  It will start restart with "space. Time is space.

The inaugural voyage of the "SHIP OF FOOL" on its return from a place that does not exist: "UTOPIA"

"Thomas More’s Utopia is made up of two books. Book One, quickly skimmed over by those who dream of the future and are bored by history, tells us about Europe in 1515 at the dawn of a revolution in every field of knowledge dominated by a political power that uses religion, fear and ignorance to satisfy an insatiable appetite for hegemony, infinitely corrupt but in public promoting moral, family values. Book Two gives us a glimpse of a future on a human scale using new techniques, reason and good management of its resources to reconcile the common good with the pleasure of the individual. That book is the founding text for our modernity. It is the pagan bible adopted by the Enlightenment, which we have inscribed in the charter of our epoch’s institutions. Five hundred years later the books are being rewritten in reverse: the great human dream set in train by Book Two in 1516 is bogged down itoday reality . The new promises of free-choice economism are just a nightmare journey back in time to the postulates of Book One.

Eros and Thanatos. The joy of killing, destroying, crushing nature and all creatures

This text is a quick translation and partly adapted from an article published by 'Cosmopolis A Review of Cosmopolitics Revue de cosmopolitique" 2022/3-4 under the title Nicole Morgan " Laissez faire et Laissezmourir . Eros and Thanatos" Un another text (complementary) on Les réseaux sociaux et la table d'Ésope is being published in the same issue. (To be translated and published soon)

L'ange, la table et la rose

Cet article a été initialement publié dans le magazine Agora. L’agora, une agora et une encyclopédie: voies distinctes et complémentaires, l’encyclopédie fournissant les connaissances qui permettent de donner de la profondeur aux opinions et aux actualités présentées sur l’agora, ces informations donnant en retour l’occasion de découvrir les articles de l’encyclopédie.

AI has been used and is being used non stop to "flood the zone"

Based on what has been writtenby Alan Blackwell in an article published in his Blog on the Cambridge Department of Computer Science and Technology (see link below) ChatGPT is a bullshit generator. To understand AI, we should think harder about bullshit, because AI litterally produces bullshit. It's a machine that aims to makes up stuff that sounds good. The work is done by an algorithm that imitate text found on the Internet, providing is predictive but not necesseraly logic or based on facts. [...] This is exactly what senior AI researchers such as Brooks, Bender, Shanahan and Hinton are telling us, when they explain how ChatGPT works.

American exceptionalism

In the long history of humanity the perverse couple formed by Donald Trump and Ayn Rand are not the first to hit the dance floor. But they may be the last since to join them in their embrace the most frenetic dancer : Elon Musk. It may be the last, not because humanity will gradually come out of its follies but because humanity risks disappearing at least a good part of humanity, children first. Donald Trump was a president who has taken all the powers. He has systematically abolished the laws and regulations already in place to protect the planet. He has shut down all research on the greenhouse effect. When Donald Trump was asked when he got out of if he was not thinking about the children who will pay the price for his policies, he shrugged and said: this is their problem, I do not care. In twenty years I will be dead.

In vino veritas