2024: A Christmas carol updated - Scrooge on steroids: going back to Social Darwinism

Revisiting and updating a Christmas Carol story from Charles Dickens. The author, Nicole Morgan, provide an insight personal story about the current silly and strange times we are experiencing. We celebrate Christmas every year, we do this year too. However, never as this year, we are all called to pay attention to what is happening around us: climate change, wars, poverty, scarcity, technology effects, geopolitical changes, lack of Politic and weakness of the elites, disappearance of ethics, lack of awareness about World crisis, brutalization of language and much more. Are we living at the end of times toward the end of the world? “The hell no!”. There are other magic tales far more grandiose which will take us in a greater cosmology. All can contribute right now to build these tales!

Smaterializzazione: le storie che ci raccontiamo

Amiamo da sempre raccontarci storie, oggi siamo diventati tutti storyteller. Le storie servono a costruire mondi, a sfuggire da quelli presenti e ad allontanare orizzonti carichi di minacce. Lo storytelling è spesso usato per manipolare la realtà o per raccontarne una che non esiste. Gli esempi da citare sono numerosi, quello che vorrei proporre alla riflessione riguarda parole quali smaterializzazione, leggerezza, trasparenza, virtuale, nuvola (cloud), Big Data, sostenibilità, energia pulita, tecnologie a basso impatto ecologico.

Environmental Footprints of AI Model Usage

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is increasing year by year, spanning various domains (commercial activities, artistic creation tools, weather prediction, etc.) within our society. Concerning its monetary cost, it varies depending on the economic model chosen by businesses.